The high road and positivity is never the easy way but always the best way.

Nancy Wilson


Tough night. Couldn’t get the fire to light. So I gave up on it.
Only that was the time it lit. I slept through most of the early morning. I guess I needed to.

I looked out at the driveway. I needed to move the snow. So I went through all the steps I needed to make that happen.

Finally got to the part where the snowblower was running. Only it wasn’t blowing snow.

I had this happen before, usually caused by a little ice build-up in the throw chamber.

I checked there was none. I moved the first stage impeller. I heard a big clank. It was over.

No snow removal, no groceries, no nothing. My snowplow driver had only done the first ten feet. He was usually doing most of my driveway. Not today.

I made a few desperate phone calls. One the place I bought my chainsaw. To see if he could pick up my blower.

I made another call to someone that owed me a favour to see if they could move the snow.

Still waiting to hear from both.
In the meantime I cut wood. I did a quick sharpen of the chain, went out and cut enough for a couple of days. More wet, heavy wood. The same wood that would light last night.

Yup, just wanted to swing at one piece of firewood. My back was already hurting from bringing the wood in.

If any of you have read this blog before, you already know that I split the full load.

If nothing else, I am consistent. One of the logs was filled with frozen centipedes. I hope they don’t wake up. I had a similar experience with, 10000 carpenter ants that came out of one log. I thought they were dead, they were not.

One of my calls for help was answered. I am expecting a tractor to show up soon to move snow.