My life is based on pain, passion, and purpose.

Elijah Cummings

Another back breaking day.

I went out gathered logs, gathered snow. I am in the process of chopping the wood. I had to take a few breaks. Too hot to chop, too sore to chop.

My lower back is completely out. I did manage to empty a couple of way too full litter boxes.

I do want to get to the third one, but it is upstairs. I am not sure I can manage that right now.

Finished chopping, my lower back is swearing in French. Merde

Done. Just fill the litterboxes, fill the gen. Play ME1

That’s it, finished my chores for the day. It is 1 PM. Today was a 50 scream day. Every time my moved my back the wrong way, I screamed.

The last litter box is emptied and changed, the fire loaded, the Mako ready for Travel. A can of cold soup for lunch at the ready.