Don’t make things too complicated. Try to relax, enjoy every moment, get used to everything.

Angelique Kerber

Slept through two alarms again. The alarms are for loading the fire. No problem. Since I emptied the ash, I was able to put in large, horrible pieces of wood that took 6 hours to burn. The only reason that worked is the warmer weather.

I went out in the wilds, well up my driveway. Machete in hand pulling the wood sled behind me. No chainsaw today. I collected scraps, bad logs, sticks. Whatever I could load in.

I dragged that to the door, grabbed the waiting snow bowls and head out to fill them.

When that was done, I brought it all inside. I chopped until I met heavy resistance. Two hell logs. My splitter just sunk in, threatening to stay there forever.

It was time to quit for the day.

I know it’s not Sunday.