To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

Friedrich Nietzsche

My knees and back are already telling me what the weather forecasters are saying. Even Environment Canada has predicted before the fact and not after it happens.

Both knees and my back are damaged, never repaired. They are weather aware. It means they hurt like hell before the storms.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe, doesn’t matter what the science says. I feel the pain and the storm comes.

The forecasters say 15 cm today and another 15 tomorrow. Do I have enough wood no? If I burn the rest of my building lumber, maybe. A lot of that is full of chainsaw killing nails.

The other problem is my snowblower. Still broken. All my freight arrived during the storm. So what’s a man to do? Just survive.

I forgot I had 3 pan-size pizzas. During the cold snap, they would have stayed frozen in the pantry. But the last few days it has been plus 3.

So I greased the cast iron frying pan and filled it with a pizza. 15 minutes later, I was eating a pizza for breakfast while I cooked another.

Monday it would drop to -34 for another couple of nights. I needed to get more wood while I could. I pulled in my last favour and had my driveway plowed I instructed him to push snow off my woodpile.

Of course, I had made things worse, big piles of snow were piled right on top of the remaining logs. I think there is one, maybe two that were exposed. I needed to dig those out before the heavy snow fell.

To complicate things, a big wind storm was coming after the snow. That will make the snow drift into huge hills, making things worse.

I went out chainsawed one load. I brought that in. I would need two more to get me through the storm.

Right now, that seemed impossible. Now my shin pain had returned. Was that in the bone or the muscle. I couldn’t tell.

Like playing Minecraft only way harder. I had to tunnel and dig, dig more. To get the small load I got.

It took longer to get this load done than the first one. I had to quit, the pain overtook the need to dig more. I am done till after the storm. Which has begun slowly.

Did I have enough to weather the storm? ???

On to the next jobs, service and gas the gen, get a heavy bag of wood pellets for cat poop and distribute.

Then I get to start the gen, play some ME2.

Ya, that didn’t work out. I just lost my balance for the second time today. I fell into a ten-foot ladder, while carrying the bag of pellets, managed to right myself and catch the ladder while still holding the bag. Not before I injured my elbow.

Wood pellets got poured into the cat’s litter boxes. I limped slowly back to my bed to rest up. ME2 would have to wait.

Do I feel like Rocky? More like his old trainer.