There is no success without hardship.


I had delusions of travel today. Until I saw how much snow fell last night. At least 8 inches, with another 8 or more to fall, then high winds to whip that snow into tall drifts.

The winds would bring Arctic air -34 tonight. That cold always sticks around for a few days.

I didn’t have enough wood, I would not be able to find or get wood in the deep snow. My elbow injury would make sure I wouldn’t be able to dig out by hand.

The only thing to do is wait it out.

I had a snow day, don’t worry cats got fed, fire got loaded, wood got chopped. I finished ME2 started ME3.

I have a hoopful of wood. It has gotten cold and windy out. The Arctic air is coming in fast. I don’t have enough wood. I will be cutting up more building lumber. I hope I have enough to get through morning.

Chainsawing in the dark wouldn’t be fun.