What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner.

Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

I am going out in a few minutes to gather snow. I don’t want to cut the last of my salvage lumber, once that is gone it’s gone.

I will probably have to. As always, the cold Arctic air isn’t leaving as fast as they said it would. At least not as fast as I would like it to.

Going to go put on my outside in 30 below clothes.

I went out, gathered wood, cut wood until the chain snapped. Then I moved on to gathering snow.

I brought all that in, stacked the wood, put away the sled and saw, put the snow on the woodstove, just before I checked to see if the last load of cat urine-infused wood pellets ignited. They did.

I decided because of the lingering cold not to start the gen. The rest of my day would be spent with Horatio Caine.