Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.

Marcus Aurelius

My angel of mercy came by in his machine and pushed snow and logs. I would have run out of wood today.

Now there is a week’s worth of logs exposed. Logs I would never have found. I will be out cutting all that today.

I got the opportunity to thank him in person. I told him I would not have survived the extreme cold we had without the help he gave.

I survived minus one inside my house, I have had to thaw out frozen cat water bowls too many times to mention.

My water filtration system froze solid. I had to move those to the second floor.

I guess what I am saying is I am very thankful. I have had a very hard year. I had health problems, problems with thieves. I even had my water supply poisoned.

I survived all that. It is very hard to move some days, but I keep going.

One good man made a big difference in my life. Thank you.

And thanks to the one that sent him.

I went out and cut a little.