Video games are meant to be just one thing: Fun! Fun for everyone.

Satoru Iwata

A fire is crackling in the woodstove, I have my morning coffee, cats are fed and watered. I am mostly rested.

Today is Sunday my traditional video game day. I used to play with my kids every Sunday. It is one of my best memories of them. Except of course the moment they were born. I was there in the room when they faced life for the first time. I don’t know if all four were my biological kids, but I raised them like they were, the best I knew how.

Before video games, homework and chores needed to be done. That tradition continues.

I will go out and gather a load of firewood before I start playing ME3. After coffee.

It is warm and rainy,  in January, crazy. This should be one of the coldest months.

I am sure the cold will return. I am thankful because I can stretch my dwindling supply out a few weeks longer.

I went out gathered wood in the rain. I loosened all the logs and log fragments I could, while the snow was soft. Soon that would turn to ice.

Whose idea was it to wear a warm sweater under-insulated overalls to gather wood in plus four? Idiot!!! Oh ya that was me.

The rain from Spain falls mostly on the plain. Or in Alberta

Next, gas up the gen and beat the reapers. Oh and fill the snow bowl with very heavy snow.

Must be 80 pounds today.


Here is some gameplay and music from RDR 2 another video game I play. The music comes at a very dramatic part of the game.