I like to always be as productive as possible.

Jeffree Star

I  woke with extremely dry mouth. I am sure it was one of the side effects of the pharma I took last night.

I made it downstairs, fed the cats, reloaded the wood stove and filled it with a torn-up Amazon box. I lit it but don’t know if it stayed lit.

I made my way back to bed, in slow motion.

I think today was going to be unproductive. Maybe my healing was productive enough.

I tried to settle in best I could. I turned my security monitor on. It was then I saw it. A huge furry thing strolled in front of the camera.

It was big cat,  I couldn’t believe he survived another extreme cold spell and a bobcat. I knew he would be hungry.

Ten minutes later, I finally made it to the door with some food for him. While I was out, I noticed the bird feeder was empty.

Another ten minutes of slow walking later. I had their feeder filled with sunflower seeds.

I thought I might as well get some gas for the gen. Oh yea, the 5-gallon filling station was empty. I needed to get another and lift it to the counter. Heavy thing. I did that, got it outside and running.

I checked the fire again, it didn’t light. I found a few scraps of paper, placed them inside and tried lighting the fire again.

The boy’s water bowl was empty. I grabbed the 5-gallon container of water and filled them

On the way out of that room, I noticed some very talented cat had pooped in the water bowl. Emptied that and refilled it with clean water.

Cats re-watered, gas filling station renewed fire lit again. I slowly made the walk upstairs slowly and carefully choosing my steps.

Now I am back in my bed, trying to rest up. Ya that’s an Xbox controller in my hand.

Finished ME3. The decision to chop wood, ya I know sore back stupid idea. Needed doing.

I chopped enough to get through the next few hours. I stacked the back-breaking wet wood. It should be dry in October. It’s that wet.

I realized I would have to chainsaw tomorrow. I hope I am healed enough.

If I am not doesn’t matter, still need to do it.

I am in the fire room nurturing the fire. I have faith it’s gonna burn this time. Hahaha, I put dry wood inside this time.

Good time to boil water for coffee and heat up a frying pan pizza. With extra cheese, of course.

I don’t dare leave the pizza alone, even with the woodstove. They are sneaky.

Half hour later, still sitting in the fire room. Fire is blazing, but the stove is not getting warm. The kettle is still cold and the pizza is uncooked.  My back is cooked, sitting on a wooden crate while I wait is wearing thin. The pain has returned in a big way.

I just wanted a coffee and a pizza.