If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.

Frank Lane

Back pain is back. I am thinking I may rest one more day. The temp is supposed to be zero tomorrow. Then the next cold spell arrives.

It will get down to -30 at night.
Sunday I will be cutting as much wood as I can.

There is more snow coming. My driveway is sold ice. I won’t be travelling. So what food I have in stock is what I have.

KD will be on the menu.

Ya, you knew. I had to go get snow for the cats, if snow then why not logs, two loads worth. Ok, ok I went out twice. The chainsaw ran out of fuel, so I brought it back inside. The second load was small.

The result?  Will I have enough wood for a few days? 5 Certainly not, 3 cold nights maybe.

I went out got snow for melt and came back inside. Just needed to stack.

The gen would get filled and started. I would go gunning for Anton Castillo. Sometime later, the last pizza would get heated on the woodstove. I would sleep and do more tomorrow.

Changed my mind, decided to cook the pizza now. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get up again. But I would, the girl cats dumped their water. When the snow melted, they would need more.

Castillo would have to wait.

Pizza is on the last one with the last of the shredded cheese. Cooked on the woodstove in coconut oil. Hmmmmm good. A Reward for work done.