He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.

Friedrich Nietzsche


The snow is still falling hard. It appears to be 12 inches deep. It is hard to tell because it was a blizzard last night.

At first glance some of the drifts are three feet tall maybe more. It is hard to see in the following pictures.

I will have to go out there for snow gather, and I will need firewood. Oh ya there is none.

Last night I burned every piece of wet wood and, all the debris, I had. I have a small reserve of drier wood in the garage more lumber that is not cut up yet.

As I loaded the fire this morning, it felt as if a 4″ spike had been driven through my left knee. My only guess is a fracture.

Nothing can be done, no going to the hospital, no chance of an ambulance getting through here.

I still needed to do the things that needed doing. Right now, it’s typing this while I drink my coffee.

Later it will be going outside, gathering wood and more debris from inside and maybe just maybe I will get to start the gen and spend some time having fun.

Tomorrow they say it will be plus four here. Bad for me, more ice in the driveway as the deep snow melts and gets heavier and denser, harder to move.

That’s life in the country. Why do I do it? As I have said many times.

Needs doing.

Last of the outside firewood.

Yup at least a foot so far.

That was easy

Snow was gathered, deeper than the top of my boots going out there.  The Gen got started, and yes, I needed to get on my hurt knee to get it started and out there.

For now, going to Space or might kill a Dictator. I would decide as I travelled up. Gather wood later.

Right now, making a bed of coals so I can burn cat litter wood pellets. I just swept the floors. The worst was the girl’s room. All that was just put in the fire. Hopefully, it will burn.

I haven’t got to the litter boxes yet. Too much pain. I had to relax. I will do that as soon as I get up from resting.

Two litter boxes are in the fire and burning. I filled the big snow bowl once more. The snow has stopped coming down now and it is dark.

However, the heavy snowfall warning continues thru Saturday. So do the colder temps.