Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.

Jack Ma

I can feel the aches and pains of a major weather change. Every joint every muscle hurts.

Checking the forecast, a week of plus temps and even rain. Rain on top of the deep snow.

Makes for interesting times ahead.

Today’s labour undecided. Cut wood, shovel snow, play video games? Maybe all of the above. I wonder how far I will get with a broken body.

Today is the last day of minus temps, then the warm starts.

2 hours later, 30 feet of my driveway is done.

Driveway done partway with no machine.

Only another 70 feet and I am done. Hahaha

I also cut a path to the back door, only I forgot the back door part. I did the solar panels, underneath, and did a quick sweep of the snow. The warm temps coming and rain would do the rest.

Next is to get some wood. I rummaged around my shop for the last of the nasty nail-infested 2×6 leftover from a Reno.

They went outside, and were carefully chainsawed into pieces. That was the first time my feet had been in that part of the shop in years.

It had become a hoarder’s paradise. Maybe that’s a good thing coz I had wood in there for this occasion. No excuse for the rest, besides the broken neck broken back too, destroyed knees , damaged ankle and wrist.

I haven’t even got to the fun stuff kidney pain, ascites, breathing problems, chest pain. When does that cause me pain? Every moment of every day. Without drugs or alcohol to give me a break.

Just another day for me.

Ya, I know big mess.

Enough for a few warm days.

Last outside thing for today, bring the wood in and get snow for melt. Today that was easy in a few days of rain and thaw then freeze not so much.

Snow is gathered, back door snow shovelled, wood is inside and stacked. That was sad. It wasn’t much and worse than that, there wasn’t much left.

Wouldn’t even last a cold night.

I am just sitting in the fireroom typing this. My body has given in. I could only manage a slow shuffle. I needed to gas up the gen and get it started outside. I think I am too exhausted to even play a video game.

My body hurts too much.