I do not pray for a lighter load, but for a stronger back.

Phillips Brooks

There is a warm wind blowing outside. Too warm for February.

I am not complaining because of my firewood situation. There is very little out there. What I have is buried under tons of ice and snow.

The truth is, I am getting enough to survive. They say miracles don’t happen. They do.

Last fall, I had someone look at my firewood pile. He said, then I don’t have enough to last to the end of November.

If not for the help of a good Samaritan with a big machine that might have been true. He has been pushing up logs I didn’t know existed. Long since buried under years of deep sawdust from over 20 years of cutting logs there.

Today I am going out soon in the heavy wind to cut another log exposed yesterday.

Just got in from cutting and transporting two loads of logs.

The log exposed was actually more 15 feet long. And the last two pieces were the hardest to get out of the snow. It would have been twenty times the work if it wasn’t for the soft snow.

As I predicted yesterday, the log is of the wet and heavy variety. It would burn if I chopped all of it into small enough pieces.

80 pounds each x 7 = fookin heavy