John Fain: Who are you?
Jake: Jacob McCandles.
John Fain: I thought you were dead.
Jake: Not hardly

It is very cold outside. I think -50 although my old outdoor thermometer says different.

It never was very accurate. I went out in sandals and a bathrobe to have a look.

Breathing was difficult, and it was a lot colder than yesterday.

I loaded the last of the wood I brought in and cut up yesterday.

Got the fire rolling, using poplar wood is better meant for woodworking projects than heat. Within an hour it was down to coals.

I made plant-based eggs for breakfast on the top of the woodstove. I used 3 bottles because I bought them half price. It was still a $14 breakfast.

The picture on the package was misleading. I cooked three bottles to get what is in the pictures below.

So if veggie tuna is called vuna, and veggie shrimp is called vhrimp, what do you call a veggie-based omelette? A vomelette of course.

That was what it smelled like cooking in my cast iron pan. Which I have no idea how to clean after that.

I sprinkled shredded cheese on top and will try that in a little while.  I lost my appetite, worried about one of the boys.

I have a boy cat that is in pain. I have seen this before. He might die from this. Only thing is, do I let him die in pain or end him to keep him from suffering?

I made him comfortable in a cardboard box on a pillow by the fire. I have to wait and see.

His name is big Jake, named after a character from a John Wayne movie.

I went out collected wood, collected more snow. I cut what I could.

My 18v battery is almost dead and my backup battery is dead too. I have a 12v to 18v charger, so the solar panels are charging the 18v right now. That charger takes a lot of power to run.

The sun is in a better position this time of year for generating electricity. Thanks to my neighbour cutting down the forest on his father-in-laws property. I am getting more sun.

I checked on Jake, he is resting but not in screaming pain. So we wait.

Just finished cutting up wood for the night. All cutting is powered by the sun today. I ran out of 18v power on the last piece. I learned I can cut through a 4×4 with a 5 1/2 ” saw.

It should be the last extreme cold night, but I know it won’t be.