Like I said, the cold lingers on, not as bad but cold. -19 outside, they say. I am certain it is colder.

Winter is not over, that is for sure. Clear and cold today. Another 3-day snowstorm starts Sunday Night. With another 20 CM possible or more.

I miss judged the wood I needed to get through the night, sort of. The fire was almost out at 3 AM.

There were a few coals and a couple of boards left. With an axe by cellphone flashlight, I made kindling with one board.

At 9 AM the fire was still burning enough to start another. Of course, I had to cut up a longboard thicker than my little cordless saw could cut. It got done.

I got through that and water for coffee is on the top of the woodstove. I had enough wood to get me through this afternoon.

I just discovered Big Jake is Gone.  He must have passed in the night.

A little sad about that he was a good companion. When I found him, the other cats had huddled around him to keep him warm. I know he didn’t die alone. That is some comfort.

I pulled in another 2×10 that was rotted from age. That got cut up and hopefully will keep me warm for the night.