Tired minds don’t plan well. Sleep first, plan later.

Walter Reisch

Another big snowstorm. Another winters’ day.

Cats are fed soon watered, fire soon fed. The temperature inside comfortable. A nice change, waking up without shivering.

No coffee this morning, fire not hot enough, no water downstairs, no propane in the kitchen and a thousand other excuses I made for that not to happen.

Coffee would happen later,  right now too tired to do all the things that were needed to make that happen.

I had a night of many technicolor action dreams. I woke exhausted and sore.

Making coffee today:

Go out to the van, get the propane bottle.

Fill the kettle with water upstairs

Connect the propane, light it, put the kettle on.

Add a filter to the cone, add coffee

Wait for the water to boil, then pour

Cats also needed water, snow melt from yesterday needed pouring into stage one filter. Clean stage one water to be hauled and poured into stage two filter upstairs.

I also needed to get gas from the garage and fill the generator. Get that outside and started.

Come back down, pour more hot water into the cone filter. After that, one more pour.

Then open powdered whole milk, add to coffee and log in to my Xbox and make a decision about what to play.

Soon after that, have a sip of coffee, now cold. All with 400 steps on a sore and tired body.

Or I could sleep another hour ….

I was forced to rest in bed by 3 terrorists in catsuits. They crawled in beside me and went to sleep. I watched another episode of The Mentalist, not daring to move.

An hour later, I snuck past the cats and gathered items for my mission. A coffee cup that needed washing, a thermos I used as a way to carry water to the kettle.

I made my way down the stairs, into the kitchen, filled the kettle and carried that into the fireroom. I then add more wood and wait.

A little later water is steaming, filter and coffee at the ready. I finally get to pour.

I have one sip, I noticed I was low on wood, wish I had a litter box ready to go. I could extend my need for wood by a few hours.

I grab a filter, kettle and coffee to head into the kitchen. As I walk by the girl’s litter box I notice it was ready to go into the fire. Except that meant going down to the van for another bag of pellets.

I open the wood stove and fill it full of consumed wood pellets, don’t ask.

I headed down to the van, opened the back door of the van and grabbed a bag of wood pellets. Carried that into the girl’s room and filled their litter box.

Next, the gen, dressed in sandals and bathrobe, I sweep fresh snow away, turn the switches, pull the choke and it all comes to life.

Back in the kitchen, I open a new bag of powdered whole milk and add some to my coffee.

I am now in front of my monitor, having a few sips of coffee, 5 hours late.

This is where I will sit out the snowstorm until I admit I need to hunt for more wood or have to pee or a million other things that always need doing.

Wood got cut, the snow is still coming down at 8 PM.