Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act.

Paulo Coelho

Made it to the village picked up my freight, all but one package that was missed by the current employees. Second time that happened, I will watch for three.

More catfood arrived and my husband pillow. It came vaccuumed packed and would take 48 hours for the memory foam inside would remember it’s shape.  More waiting.

Got back home and the skies turned dark and gray, more snow was forecast for the weekend.

Sitting in the fireroom, I gathered enough wood and wood pellets for a quick burn. The fire has been out for three days due to the warm weather.

It is cold now it was 6 in the fireroom, worse in other parts of the house.

I have pizza cooking that should have been cooked three days ago. Too bad I didn’t think of that while the fire was blazing. I gathered more wood and threw that on the hot coals.

I am waiting for that to ignite, so my pizza will cook. The stove is no where near hot enough to keep cats off.

I watched them earlier sitting on the top of the woodstove while the fire burned below. It made me think of the frog in a boiling pot in a climate change movie.

Anyways I don’t dare leave the pizza alone. So I type while I wait. My life seems to be all waiting these days. I am learning patience.

I strongly reccomend you never ask to learn that or you will be given events in your life to learn that.

Just as I typed that the fire ignited after a 1/2 hour wait. Pizza soon. Thank God.


Before Snow.