Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone.

Jesus Christ

Today represents the day Jesus was crucified. The rumour is he never existed.

I believe he did, but maybe not as the bible says. I believe many of the stories in the bible are myths.

Myths more often than not are based on actual events. Although many of those events have been exaggerated by those who wish to control the masses. The timelines were probably not accurate. I did read about a man, a teacher, who lived in Qumran 150 years or more before the Crucifixion was said to take place. If I understand what I read, he was murdered by priests that lived in his community.

The Dead Sea scrolls were found in caves nearby.

I believe he existed, I believe he suffered greatly at the hands of his peers. I am sorry for that, even if I wasn’t there.