Is it snowing where you are? All the world that I see from my tower is draped in white and the flakes are coming down as big as pop-corns.”

Jean Webster

The technical stuff is easy but requires some effort.

Go outside, take pictures in the snowstorm. Grab a giant bowl of snow for melt.

Upload the pictures while making coffee. Insert pictures into the new post. Resize and add borders as needed.

Have a sip of coffee. Search the internet for a quote to add to the post. Have another sip of coffee.

Cut and paste the quote. Make all letters bold. Have more coffee.

Search the internet for music, for the post. Grab the embed code cut and paste it into post.

Add HTML code, so the music video looks right on a cellphone.

Drink more coffee. Then add words like these. Pet the cat that only needs attention while I am working on a post.

She has to sit between me and the words I am typing.

Next thing, have more coffee. Then hit the publish button.

The final things view the finished post, not hardly. Fix the spelling and grammar mistakes.

Wish I would have paid more attention in grade 8 English class instead of Ms. Fitten’s hemline.

What I was a hormonal teenager, and I was hot for the teacher.

Maybe I would have been a better writer. Did I mention she was hot and her skirts short.

I wish I could tell you I was contemplating the metaphysical implications. The truth is 50 years later I am visualizing Ms Fitten.


Near noon and the snow is coming down hard. Not the powdery Northern snow we get here in winter. Instead, we got wet heavy slushy Vancouver snow about 4 inches so far and more coming.