He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting ‘All the Gods are bastards.’

Terry Pratchett

I picked the quote above because I related to it. When I was in the Navy out at sea in a big storm. I stood at the bow of the ship daring God to show himself. Seconds later I was pummeled with flying fish. They hurt.

Here we are still are under a heavy rainfall warning. By tonight that will be a heavy snowfall warning.

10-15 cm of snow coming. Will it ever end?

I hope so. I probably need to go out there in the wind and pouring rain to get firewood. Or put on more sweaters.

But before that I need to reassemble my new wheelbarrow. I broke my old one in half.

This one isnt as heavy duty but should do for awhile.