Chores which can be done in an hour, I take about three hours to do it.

Zareen Khan

Today the morning rituals were observed, in great detail.

The first was to crawl out of bed, a two to three-minute endeavour. Find pants, next on the list. Put on the pants, today being bib overalls, find the straps and hook them up.  Remember what needs to go down the stairs on the first trip. Oh and move the coffee cup to the desk, so I can make coffee later.

Find my shoes flip them over, kittens are the reason for that. Strap on the shoes. The drill, thermos, and cat food bowl are gathered and ready to make the trip down.

Open the door, and grab the handrail firmly, dizzy spells can happen anytime. Make the trip down and into the kitchen. Inspect the damage down during the night by the skinny cat that can still wiggle in there.

Today the cat food tub is empty. I make the trip out to Gracie and grab a box, yup it’s the heaviest one, 18.2 kg of cat food. I feel bad for a moment because it is made from slave labour in Thailand. Google it. I justify my buying that because If I didn’t, they would just kill the slaves and do something else.

I open the bags and empty them into the tub. I fill a container and feed the girl cats, fill it again and feed the boy cats. Time to boil water for coffee, hook up the propane bottle, ignite the gas, and add water to a kettle. While it boils, I grab the big jug of water and fill the cat bowls.

Morning chores are almost done. I fill the thermos and take it upstairs. I gather the things I need to make coffee. A bamboo paper cone, coffee and the cone. I start pouring water through. Soon I have coffee, I just have to add some hormone-free powdered whole milk and stir vigorously. If I don’t I get lumps like pancake batter.

I get the ready coffee to the cup holder I built beside the bed. Time for the laptop table, that is another ordeal. It is not light or convenient to set up. I have to remember the laptop, keyboard, metal mouse pad, mouse and the power cord. Still proud of that, I found a 12v power supply made for my laptop.

It didn’t make sense to convert my DC solar to AC and then back down to DC to power the laptop. I knew the two conversions were chewing up power. I was right, the laptop now uses less power.

Now the table is set up, laptop-connected devices all turned on, I do the most important thing, have a sip of coffee. I  am enjoying that while I type.

The reason I went through all this today, I want to finish editing the two novels I wrote. I edited 57 chapters yesterday. I realized I suck at commas, I missed a million and 6 of them. It was Miss Fitten’s fault and those short skirts in grade 8 English class. How was a teenager to pay attention under those circumstances?

I figure if I correct all that, I might start writing the third novel in the series.

The time it took to get me to the drink coffee stage, 1 hour 15 minutes. Including the picture, I took through the painted window while getting cat food.