Man was made at the end of the week’s work, when God was tired.

Mark Twain

Dark and very windy out. No rain so far. Perfect day for outside work, no mosquitos.

It is Sunday. My fatique is bad today. I suspect long Covid. Since I do not trust the local doctors and nurses I won’t find out. I came from the city, I have seen the difference. Easy to tell bad health care from good.

I wll try to get some of the necessary things done. Beyond that not much else.

Great things: I love my new noise canceling headphones. They work. All noise is gone, no outside sounds, no inside sounds. They give me total quiet even from the wind and noisy cat. They are even comfortable while I sleep.

Bad Thngs: I woke in the middle of the night looked up and thought my room was filled with smoke. It was the mosquito net lit up by early light.

I got some work done inspite of the fatigue. I am resting now before the next round.

I just tried chia seeds in water, then I tried the seeds with cereal. Apparently they are full of good stuff. I just like that it makes tasty jello.