It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.

Pope John XXIII

It’s 4 AM the rain is coming down hard on the tin roof. Hard enough to keep sleep away, complicated by the arthitus pain amplified by the damp weather. 

Looking at the forecast the rain will continue for days, while other parts of the world are suffering devasrating droughts.

It wasn’t till late in the afternpon I realized it was fathers day. I was a father once and I had a father for a short while once.

All abandoned me. Oh well thats life. I could play the blame game,I blame them, they blame me, but there are no winners there. Just the pain in separation.

Since birth it seems I have been surrounded by disagreeable people. Maybe that is all people. I hope not. It would mean this world is doomed to failure. Maybe it is.