In terms of nutritional content, a tablespoon of chia is like a smoothie made from salmon, spinach, and human growth hormone. As tiny as those seeds are, they’re superpacked with Omega-3s, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, fiber and antioxidants.
Christopher McDougall

I am currently trying the latest superfood trend, chia seeds. I am sure they have been ingested for hundreds of years.

When I was younger chia pets were a big thing. Little clay animals with chia seeds  that you watered until the sprouts grew like green fur.

I am laughing a bit they still sell the modernized version. A baby yoda in a chia cradle.

They are certainly the food that just keeps giving and giving.

I have a few observations. Start slow. A teaspoon a day with a day in between feedings. In your water or cereal.

If you happen to pour too much into your breakfast cereal like I did yesterday make sure you are close to a bathroom. It will be an urgent thing.

The pain will stop when you are done and you will feel better.

I would call it a colon scrubber. I read that they work be better for you if they were grinded in a mortar and pestle.

You can google to find your own information read about the benefits and especially read about the side effects.

My main experience has been poop lots of poop. I am sure the extra omega 3 won’t hurt either.

Made it to town and back, catfood, a few groceries and my freight. Gracie did well. I did have a little scare. I pulled off the road to pour a little cheaper gas in the tank. Gas I bought before the big increase.

I also had to pee, just as I walked out around the front of the van, an orange and white cat took off into the woods. It was a twin to Charlie. I thought that maybe he had found his way to the inside of the van and jumped out when I stopped.

First thing when I did when I got home was to look in to see if he was still there.

He was.

Groceries and stuff unloaded, I sit infront of my fan and cool off. No sign of the rain so far today. Maybe later.

Yup sure enough we are under a severe thunderstom warning. The  thunderstorms and heavy rain came d9wn lasted a couple of hours.