Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.

Langston Hughes

Got up early did the things that an old man needs to do.  Feed the fire, feed the cats, fetch water, fetch catfood, make breakfast, make coffee. As I did that I noticed a red sunrise.

I went out to snap a few pics but i missed the best part due to low clouds. I did notice that in seconds my fingers were frozen. It was alot colder than they say it was.

My guess would be close to minus 40. I made it back inside finished making coffee.

The door to the woodwork shop.


Just finished outside work. Swept off the solar panels, and filled the most useless wheelbarrow ever made with firewood. It was made for little people. If I lift it higher than 6 inches the nose digs into the ground. I left in indoor all summer all the paint is falling off.

First time using it the tire is flat.

I won’t survive the winter with that. I really miss my double wheeled Jettison. It lasted me 15 years. This tru temper piece of crap lasted less than a year.

Now I am working on cooking some quinoa pasta. I am hoping my propane doesn’t run out before I can bring it to a boil. I have a large tank of propane and adapter hose to fill a bunch of little ones but I thought I would save that for a warmer day.