Coffee is a language in itself.

Jackie Chan

It wasn’t the best coffee and it wasn’t the worst one I ever made. The best part is the water was heated on my woodstove.

The problem was wood for the fire is scarce and my injuries make using the chainsaw and axe painfull.

These days are done.

Over 40 years of heating with wood was coming to an end.

I went to town and back again. Picked up catfood and water, enough to get us through the next while.

On the way home I saw at least a dozen dead trees down on my road. Wish I still had the means to bring them home but I don’t.

I just learned my spine and kidneys speak fluent english. Starting off with “Are you fuckin’ kidding or just stupid?” Not sure which or both. I brought in a 150 pounds of wood on the sled, pulled over dry grass. No snow yet.

Then came the stupid part, I chopped it, or tried to chop it. Knarliest notted hardwood i had seen in a few years. I screamed with every swing. I managed about 75 percent of it. The back pain is immense. About at 11 on the 1 to 10 scale.

I loaded the fire, fed the cats and collasped in a heap. I felt vertabrae cracking and snapping. I was done for the day, except the cats still needed water. I would do that later. I had to slow the woodstove down on the same trip, later. I had opened the air intake wide open to light the wood I just chopped.