If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.

Abraham Lincoln

Today is the last day before I am officially a senior. Yup tommorrow I am 65.

What does that change? Nothing I still have to feed and water the cats. Still had to feed the fire, I still had to make coffee and breakfast. Although today I made instant coffee.

That is really disgusting stuff. I am sure before it’s freeze dried, it is fed to dobermans then the poop was collected then fed to feral cats collected again and then finally processed. I tried to disguise it with extra milk.

It didn’t help, it was going to taste bad to the last drop. Since I don’t waste I will drink it all. Slowly.

Very cold outside the center of the polar vortex is here and to top it off, yesterday afternoon my rickity house shook. We had an earthquake. The strongest in Alberta since 2001 I just read.

The weather: extreme cold warning just issued for my area. Values around -40.

The earthquake 5.2 followed by a 5.8

Just finished more chores my back wasn’t hurting enough yet. I took out 200 pounds of wet cat litter.

To no avail I swept off the solar panels. There was ice beneath the fresh snow.

Then loaded three heavy logs onto the sled and dragged those inside. Not before spilling them on the ground right at the door.

Lit the fire.

Chopped a log. Filled the gen with gas. Hauled that up swept away enough snow. Started the gen.

Lit the fire a second time. Noticed the cats bowls empty filled those again.

Put a kettle on the wood stove for real coffee. Check that in an hour due to the cold stove.

Now I rest my back.


Last update: i chopped another log just in case, tonight it will be near -40. Like I said extreme cold warning issued.

Now my back hurts, and kidneys and wrist. While I was there  I fed and watered the cats. Now I am done. Except loading the fire later tonight.