Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.

Robert Collier

Ya it’s still very cold.

I did all the things that needed doing, fed cats, watered cats, gathered wood twice (-40) chopped wood, relit the fire, gathered snow for melt, checked the weather, made cold coffee, made cold oatmeal, chopped wood again, relit the fire again, carried a litter box to the fire, put the cat poop and wood pelets in the fire, covered that with freshly cut wood and prayed that it would stay lit, went down to the van grabbed a 40 pound bag of wood pellets ( now weighs a 100 after 65 shit is heavier haha), filled the litter boxes, grabbed the kettle, filled it with feshly melted snow, put that on the wood stove, refilled cat bowls with water, filled my thermos, went upstairs.

By then I was sweating so making coffee became less of a priority. Had some club soda instead.