Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.

Marcus Aurelius

Today is International Persons with disabilities day.

I qualify. A dozen times over.

Today was hard. Old gracie didnt want to start. I dragged down the battery charger and generator. After a dozen trys she fired up. I put the gen in the back and travelled to town.

A bag of catfood some oranges, bananas, a couple of grapefruit, 3 cans of beans and three ramen in a cup I am on the way home.

Oh I did stop in and l found enough cash for a plant based burger, sweet potato fries and a coffee.

On the way home I thought I should get a bottle of water. I even scraped all the change out of the bottom of my jacket to get a jar of peanuts.

Outside of the hardware store Gracie wouldnt start. She needed a drink of gas. As I poured some gas down her throat the air filter hose came off. I spent ten minutes trying to fix it.

After disvovering My tools were missing and cutting the back of my hand open. I left  the hose off started her up and drove home.

By the time I got unloaded, with the exception of the gen my back was screaming. I was in so much pain I had to stop everything.

The cats were hungry and let me know so I fed them. After unloading my three grocery bags I collapsed on the bed.

I needed to go back later and finish emptying the van, the gen and charger were still needed moving inside.

I was thanking God I had already unloaded the 15 liter water bottle. I am resting now.

I have used this song here many times. More than any one person should have to.