All things are difficult before they are easy.

Thomas Fuller

Today another extreme cold warning. I needed to pay bills get catfood and groceries.

Gracie needed some mechanicing before I could start the journey. The air filter hose had come off. It was a very tight place to work in. I tried and failed, took a closer look and decided to try another approach.

It worked, everything fit and was tightened down. I was so excited about it I forgot my phone under the hood. I thought about it ten miles down the road. I pulled over, unlatched the hood. I could see my phone, sticking out. One hard brake and it would have been all over the highway.

I thanked God, put it in my pocket and looked down at my feet. I still had my giant sized snowboots on. I forgot to put on my street boots.

Walking would be more difficult and slow. I checked my pedometer and I had done 2400 slow heavy steps. I did banking, hardware store, gasoline, groceries and off course a beyond meat burger and coffee.

Twenty minites up the road, I refilled two big bottles of water 18l each, I bought a new splitting maul at the village hardware store. I wanted the monster 14 pounds of sleek metal splitter. Then I remembered the aching back I had on. I bought one that was half the size and half the price.

In a few more minutes I was backing up Gracie into her home. I unloaded the groc and water. In screaming pain I collasped on the bed for an hour.

After that it was time to feed cats and the fire. I looked down at my supply of wood and shook my head. No way I had enough. Maybe if I could split the nastiest log on the planet. I could get through the night of -40.

I took my new splitter hit that log hard as I could. It sunk in and never moved. I took the sledge hammer and hit the splitter and it went right through. Then again four more times.

The impossible log was now firewood. On to the next thing. Cats needed water. I grabbed a heavy bottle of water and filled all their bowls. Not silently, I did scream a little, a few times.

Now on to unbag and put away groceries. That is done. Last thing before the final collapse is to go to the fire and turn it down to the lowest setting to save wood.

The temperature would drop inside but not below freezing and maybe just maybe I would have enough wood to get me through the cold cold night.