Cold is merciless. It shows you where you are. What you are.

Wim Hof

Cat water bowl was frozen solid. First thing load the last of the wood into the fire on top of all the garbage from shopping.

I grabbed the last 1 pound bottle of propane with the torch on it. It would not ignight. It was empty 3 days ago.

It was time to test my 20 pound tank to 1 pound tank filler hose.

I hooked up the hose checked all the connections twice. Slowly opened the valves. I could smell propane. I quickly closed the valves. After disconnectihg the hose, propane started to leak in earnest.

I grabbed the drill and headed for the door as quick as I could. I was worried about sparks from the drill igniting the gas. I had no choice.

I unlocked the door and ran out to the driveway and placed the tank in the middle of the driveway. It was still hissing out propane as I left and twenty minutes later when I moved it out of the driveway.

I didn’t want to forget the white tank out there and have it covered in snow, then drive over it later.
I had no way to light the fire, I remembered I used to carry an old lighter in my jacket.

I went up to get the bic lighter out of my leather jacket. It was missing.

I searched my desk, nothing. I searched my junk drawer and there it was. I didn’t try it. I knew I might only get one shot at this.

The fire got lit. It is finally getting warmer in here. Water on the woodstove got hot enough for coffee.

I filled the thermos for later. I was still trying to drink the almost frozen coffee in my cup.

I went to to my wood work shop to salvage some project wood for the fire.

I had some pine boards that fit the bill. I broke them up for later.

The fire now glowing was ready for some cat litter wood pellets. I filled the stove and hoped I didn’t over fill and put the fire out.

A few minutes later the urine and cat poopy pellets started to burn. I was thankfull.

Outside the extreme cold warning was still in place. My bare hands were painfull in seconds.