“Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.”

Geralt of Riveria

The very best part of fresh snow for me, besides the view is gathering the white stuff in large bowls to put on the wood stove.

If you know about heating with wood, you already know it makes the air very dry.

It is neccessary to keep water on the stove. The cats also benefit. It is getting hard to carry large bottles of water.

I was capturing water from rain and transfering that into a large tank inside. Someone thought that was a great opportunity to poison the water.

One day all the plants in the house died. A few days later 9 cats died. Two years later my kidneys and liver suffered damage.

I know who did it.

So fresh snow is hard to poison directly.

It is colder today as predicted the polar vortex has arrived. With windchills they say -38 tonight and -48 tommorow night. It didn’t feel that cold while I was gathering snow.

I might start the gen for a few hours. Geralt and the Bloody Baron have work todo.

If you know you know.

20 minutes of cutting boards.

Toothache is back, pain is intense.


Who needs Cavill
