“Red sky at night sailors delight; red sky in the morning sailors take warning.”

Red in the morning. Ya I know, I said it many times before. A storm is coming. Google the quote above and learn there is science behind it.

There is no way to say this nicely. It is really fucking cold. The fire is blazing. A cats waterbowl that I moved closer to the fire is frozen, half hour after I filled it.

I did my walk outside to snap a few pics. By the time I walked the 100 feet each way down the driveway. I could feel flesh freezing.

I need to go out to find some wood, bring that inside and cut it by hand. It is definitely too cold to run the gen.

I have another 36 hours of extreme cold. As always, I believe the very cold never leaves on time.  I don’t think it will be warm Friday.

I do have try to get Gracie running. I have a doctors appointment in the morning. It would be a miracle if she turns over after being deep frozen for a week.

I also need to pick up my parcels, which include catfood. Christmas day is Sunday, follwed by Boxing day. Post office will be closed until Tuesday. I have enough catfood to get me to Saturday.

Here is where it might get complicated. Friday afternoon another substantial snow storm is coming. I have to be able to get to atleast the village.

The doctors appointment is early morning, I doubt I can get Gracie to run then. I will need the generator running to make that happen. I think it will be too cold.

Maybe, just maybe I can get her running in the afternoon before the snow gets too deep.

Now more complications, the new grader operator didn’t do a good job removing snow last time. He left two inches of snow for fifty feet of the driveway and four where I need to turn on to my road.

It doesn’t sound like much but all that is up the slope of my driveway. I have to boot it. As I turn that is a big change of momentum for a two wheel drive van. It will cause me to slide sideways.

If I can’t straighten her out Gracie and I end up in the ditch.

Oh Btw Happy Soltice if that means anything to you.

UPDATE:Forage for wood successful. I have enough cut for tonight. I think I found enough for tommorrow. I hope we will see -51 with wind chill. Yuck. I will be peeing ice cubes.