Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.

Charles M. Schulz

I did the things that needed doing this morning.

I got up at 6 started a fire, and then up to watch a couple of episodes.

Came back at 9:30 AM loaded the wrong kind of wood on non exsistent coals. Heavy wood not for reigniting.

Went to get skinnier wood, broke all that into smaller pieces. Restarted the fire again.

Cats got fed, but they needed water. I needed to make the last water bottle last longer so I went out for snow.

I loaded as much as I could into the bowl and brought it down to the fire.

I had ulterior motives for the fire, yes it was cold in the house, but my kettle wasn’t hot enough.

Breathing was difficult today.yet I still needed more wood. I had used all that I brought up.

After looking around I decided to sweep instead. It was a great plan, that gave me about ten pounds of burnable stuff, sawdust carboard, and other stuff that shalt not be named.

I carefully fit all that in the fire, that would last a few hours.

My kettle ready and the hot water poured into a thermos. It was time to have that coffee.

There was really no choice, sweeping was the worst activity for my back. In pain, I would reluctantly leave my seat in front of the fire. As soon as cat water was ready.

There always one more thing. I got to my coffee cup and it was full of cranberry juice from 6 AM. I had to drink that first.

I just wanted a hot coffee. The house was slowly heating up. It was five in my room. Anything on the positive was good. I had lots of blankets.

I am sure I am doing better than people in the Ukraine.

Hot coffee and hot cereal made. Jack Ryan on. I get to relax for a minute. But not for long all my batteries are low, powerbanks, cellphone and tablet all low.

I have to run the gen, I am waiting till the last second hoping some warmth will happen outside.

There are 5 days of heavy snowfall forecast.

Up to 50 CM of snow to fall. Suddely a dead battery in the van seems redundant.

Oh BTW my last bag of catfood would have run out today. Yesterdays help bringing my parcels here saved my cats. The chicken would have give me another day.

My day certainly not over. More mood brought into the fire room and cut by hand.

9 I gathered more snow, got the gen serviced, gassed up and started.

Snow on the woodstove all devices plugged in for charging except my phone which is down to 8%. That will be plugged in soon.

Geralt is about to be sent into battle against alghouls.

Good thing coz I am sore and add the eye injury I just got. We are done work. For now.