Don’t just count your years, make your years count.

George Meredith

Once again cats fed, wood gathered, fire loaded, fire started, snow gathered for melt. I thought I had a full 18l bottle of water left. I did not.

Another snow storm is on its way. Another 15 CM will fall today. Even if the van was running and it wasn’t a holiday, I wouldn’t be travelling any where.

So today I will gather snow, melt snow, filter that water, so we can survive. I will need to melt 15 large bowls today and hope the filter isn’t frozen.

For now cats bowls are filled with snow, my kettle is filled with snow.

I am baby stting the fire because the cats that sit in the window sill are thirsty and are more than happy to swat a bowl of snow off the stove and onto the floor. Just for a few licks of water.