Ultimately, literature is nothing but carpentry. With both you are working with reality, a material just as hard as wood.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Been a busy morning. As usual fed the cats made sure they had water.


The fire was out, wood was out. I made another trip to the board pile. This time with the saw.

When that was my old woodwork shop I piled a bunch of boards on an old work bench. Later I built a shelf for woodwork clamps. When I did that I locked a lot of boards away.

Today I cut three 10 foot 1×6 x3/4 popular tongue and grove boards in half while they were on the shelf.

First of all a shame to cut those, second it was not easy. After that was done. I caried the boards back to the fireroom.

They needed cutting again into smaller pieces. BRB

Back now I forgot to fill the kettle with the snow I just gathered. Big mistake. The kettle had been sitting on the wood stove empty. Now it was hot. Put a hot kettle into a big bowl of snow and end up with a giant snowball.

That of course melts all over the wood stove making a big mess.

I cut the boards into smaller pieces 16 inches long. My breath was gone. I had to rest.

Next job was to shovel poop. Best time to burn that is when the fire is hot. I filled a bucket got it ready for the fire. And it wasn’t going in till my kettle was boiled.

The problem with melting snow in a kettle is, no matter how you pack the kettle it is never enough snow.

I have to keep adding snow using the lid. I have do that 9 or ten times during the making hot water for coffee.

I am sitting in the fire room with the boy cats typing these words.

Soon after getting my breath back, I needed to get gas and the gen and haul those upstairs.

Today I needed to change the oil, it was time. If I wasn’t too winded I would start it get my hot water make coffee and relax.

I have been at it for about two hours by then.

Almost dark. Vancouver snow is falling, big wet heavy flakes that pile deep quickly.

I cut a few more boards in the old wood work shop, then brought them into the fireroom to cut into smaller boards.

I cut through four boards and had to rest. My arm was tired and I out of breath again.

Got Done

I am not fooling anyone, including me. I am going to saw all the boards cause that’s who I am. It will hurt but it will get done. Needs doing.

Hard to cut in the dark and none too safe. It was a lot warmer today. You can tell by the fluffy snow. Sure as hell somewhere south of here was getting freezing rain on top of yesterdays snow. That will be a mess.

Solar panels buried at least 8 inches of fresh snow.

I am all done work and play today. I am experiencing backageddon. Or is that 50 shades of pain.