It is not easy to be a pioneer – but oh, it is fascinating! I would not trade one moment, even the worst moment, for all the riches in the world.

Elizabeth Blackwel


The 5th day of the year,  same as others. Gather wood, cut wood,  make kindling, gather cardboard to start the kindling.

Of course that was after feeding the cats and gathering snow.

The fire was started with the smallest of flames from a 20 year old Bic lighter, whose flame should have been gone long ago.

Do I get tired of this? I am happy to be drawing breath. So I am happy to be able to do what I do. Just surviving, exactly what pioneers did.

My home life is no different than it was for people in history, before and since.

I read yesterday in the middle east they are reverting to wood heat because cooking gas is too expensive.

So families are out gathering wood. The journalist that wrote the story said it was going to be bad for the environment. I am sure he drives a SUV and idles while sitting in the drive thru waiting for his hamburgers.

So what does an old exhausted man in pain do after all that? Cut more wood of course.

That will keep me going for today, but tonight was going to need more wood.

I decided to do the work I needed to do on the van in the morning. I would fill the flat just before I was ready to go.

I know I have used this song many times. There is always a reason.