A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.

Groucho Marx


00:34 Interesting day yesterday. The need for peed increased to every two hours. I had to pee. It was getting worse. Even now I am awake because I needed to pee again.

I have cysts on my kidneys, my prostate is enlarged and I have fatty liver disease, a triple threat for increased urine and the ability to control it. I have ten seconds after I stand to get to a place to pee before it starts to come out on it’s own.

I keep a 15 liter water bottle close by. What? The Rock pees in plastic bottles only with me I have no choice. Will I get adult diapers? No fuckin way.


I woke many times during the night as I mentioned. I started my routine a little earlier. Daylight was starting a little earlier.

We gained 31 minutes of daylight since christmas. Cats got fed a little earlier. My gen was started early too.

I am doing a play through of Halo. I am downloading Halo 5, it was next on my list.

Eventually I would download Infinite. I really didn’t enjoy that one it’s a multiplayer game with a badly done singleplayer campaign.

The Halo 5 install and update are at just over 50 percent. I still needed to cut wood, start a fire and boil a kettle. I had time.

Outside an extreme ice fog warning. I couldn’t see past the end of my driveway.

The ice part meant the highways would be treacherous. Definitly no travel today. Tomorrow didn’t look any better and of course it was going to be Friday the 13th.

A story I might talk about tomorrow.

My download speed just dropped to almost nothing. The download changed from 29 minutes to 11 hours 30 minutes. Oh just increased to 6 hours. Down to 3 hours and we are at 60%.  30 GB to go.

I hope I will play today although I am not optimistic, I am sure the Ice crystals are playing havoc with my Internet connection.

Gotta go fire needs starting.  Got wood cut up, loaded into the fire. All the catfood bags got stuffed in there. My od dependable bic had one more flame left in her.

The fire was burning slow, my kettle feels actually colder now. I went outside to have a look for more wood. While I was out there I saw my feral cat hiding behind some plywood.

I dropped everything and fecthed him some food. I hadn’t seen him for weeks. I was thankful the air wasn’t really cold.

I have no idea how he survives out there. We have had air down to -52 three or four times, sometimes for weeks at a time..

A large predator stalked both me and him. He keeps ticking. I tried to friend him a few times even petted him once, the second time I tried I almost got clawed. Someone had been mean to that cat. One of my neighbors, the original owner.

Things are looking up my kettle is getting hotter. Soon I will fill the thermos and check on my download. Soon after that coffee and breakfast.

Anticipate TTFC will be 140 minutes from when I left my bed this morning. Realtime 180 minutes. It’s with my favorite powdered whole milk. Tastes perfect