A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines.

Benjamin Franklin

Sun is up, that really means more work for me. Solar panels need sweeping. Snow needs shovelling. Litter boxes need dumping outside.

Would it all get done I doubt it. Fatigue is overwhelming today, like carrying a 3000 pound rock on my shoulders.

Cats got fed they got watered, the last of my gasoline put into smaller cans. I need to go to town. Still waiting on the last parcel.

A new cheap charger for the solar battery bank will arrive tomorrow or the next day. My old one gave up after 10 years.

I noticed the tire is flat again on the passenger side of the van. Pixies at play no doubt. Last week I filled it drove a 100 km with no problem. Then it sat here for three days stayed full. Then today flat again.

Next time I travel in, I should get it repaired.

I just checked my kettle wasn’t even warm. I checked the wood stove. It wasn’t even warm under the kettle. I checked near the front that was hot enough to burn. WTF.

I saw the problem I had left the bypass handle up. That means most of the heat was going up the chimney.

It was going to be another tough day.

Ya, just did a dumb thing. I swept the floor. Then I put it all in the woodstove. I put the fire out, before my kettle was hot enough for coffee. I was out of wood and card board in the fireroom. I needed both.

I got wood got the gen started. Although today it is not happy. I went back to the fire my kettle was almost hot enough so I broke the wood up and decided to use it later.

I am about to make that first cup. I really needed that today.