Do not let Sunday be taken from you. If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.

Albert Schweitzer

Woke at 3 AM. Stayed up till 5, slept till nine.

My eye hurts more than usual today. I should be more concerned, I think. I seem to just take care of what is right infront of me first.

At 3 urgent need to pee, at 9 urgent need to poop. I introduced more fat into my diet. More cheese, more chia seeds,  more fruit, and I added fiber. A lot of fibre. It was all the right color this morning.

All is good except the eye ache and chest pain right behind my left moob (man boob).

Today after I recover from my traumatic BM. I need to do ashes, poop boxes, toenails.

The truth is all that would wait until tomorrow. Sunday is traditionally video game day. Something we did as a family before the plain crash.

I just finished the first four Halo games. Then I read 343 Industries is gonna quit making them. After Infinite who can blame them.

That was the first Halo game I didn’t finish. That company has lost its’ way. Infinite was a multiplayer game, singleplayer was just a bad after thought. They also promised Coop  then changed their minds. So much for promises, or more lies.

Anyways not enough to be that bitter about, not the first Microft disapointment I have endured, just one of many.

I am having cold brew coffee today and soon breakfast. I needed the ashes cold in the woodstove before shoveling all that out. So no fire till the ashes were done.

I also needed to shovel snow to make a path, sweep the solar panels, search for wood.

Another polar vortex invasion was coming extreme cold for at least two weeks. Right now the snow is melting, when the cold arrives that turns to solid ice. Finding wood to burn would be impossible.



End of the day the new gen is surging.