You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.

George Burns

Just before 9 AM the grader showed up to do my driveway. All thanks go to my local councilor,  Susan.

I won’t go into my thoughts as to why it wasn’t done before now. Not today. I am just thankful it is mostly done.

There is an inch or two left in the driveway. It will be interesting to see what king of ice that will turn into during the extreme warm days then the flash freeze on Friday.

There is also the last 20 feet is where the snow from the roof falls when it’s warm. Which it is, plus 5 today , minus 27 friday night.

Plus more snow falling tonight. I had to make the trip in. I went to town, picked up my parcels then came home.

Almost got stuck in that roof fall snow. Almost tore my mirror off trying to get back in my garage. I slid over so much my drivers door was against the workbench.

10 almost three point turns and Gracie (my van) was squared away. Always making sure that the back wheels never left the garage.

I tried to shovel through the roof snow but it wasn’t happening. Using a rake, a snow shovel, and regular shovel I got through some of it.

I got very tired very fast, remembering the chest pains of yesterday or was that the day before, I quit working and went inside.

I am in my bed resting now. I needed to light the fire, and I should be running the gen but honestly that wouldn’t get done today.

I really wanted a hot coffee, today I would settle for cold brew.

I think I am done writing for now. Take care and be safe.