While playing golf today I hit two good balls. I stepped on a rake.

Henny Youngman

The magical cat poop powder worked again. A few quick breaths into the coals and the freshly fueled fire burst into flames.

I didn’t have room for a kettle yet. I saved some of the unmelted snow from yesterday, in a cat safe room. The cats bowls are filled and on the stove full of snow soon to be cat water.

As soon as those are done I will get the kettle going. It looks cold and clear outside. The forecast says it’s brass monkey cold.

I may not run machines today. I probably won’t go outside either. There is lots of inside work I can dream about getting done.

I had to switch to tablet. My phone battery was drained.

Today I will cut more of the boards I dragged in. I need to change the gen oil too. It’s time, the breakin is done. The problem is, if I change the oil today, I will be tempted to run it.

I stuck my head outside to snap a few pics. It is not only cold, it is really fucking cold. To cold for the gen.

I am going to get the shampoo, my hair needs washing and the fireroom is warm right now.

All acomplished. I had a good old fashioned Navy bird bath. I washed my hair and body in less than a gallon of snow water heated on the wood stove. Of course I miss the 80 gallons of electrically heated hot water used in a bath.

I used to have one every morning. Soon after waste another 10 gallons of water making #1 and #2. Is it our best use of a precious resource? I am am sure watering the lawn or washing the car is better. Or watering methane burping cows. Ya that’s a good one. Eat more beef, get more cancer make Pfizer richer.

Even a couple of celebs are water aware just google the Mila Kunis method.
“Holes, soles, pits and tits” her words.

I am having breakfast and coffee. TTFC about 2 hours.

Solar power is charging my tablet right now. The sun’s angle is getting better, in another month I won’t need to run the gen as much or at all. Right now I only get two hours if it is sunny.

I was just reading about windchill, lots of discrepancies about that topic. All say it cools the human body, that is a given.

Then I read about windchill and machines. Some say that your machine won’t get colder than actual temperature. Say its -5 with a -31 windchill. One school of thought says your machine will never get below -5.

For me that’s BS. Anyone ever driven a car during extreme windchill will tell you, it takes a lot longer to heat up meaning the vehicle is colder than the outside temp.

It is the same principle in reverse to an air frier, add heat and a fan and the food cooks faster. Add wind to cold everything chills faster and colder.

Time to cut more wood.

I cut 4 eight boards and I am out of breath again. I still had enough to breathe a little into the fire, to get it burning again.

I make the same mistake everytime, too much wet cat poop powder, too much wet wood. I left it all bake for awhile, but the house got very cold very fast.

The fire is burning again. I will try to cut a few more boards before I go back upstairs.

Three more boards cut. The fire is still struggling. It seems that if I dare to leave the fire and close the woodstove door the fire goes out.

There are 4 eight foot boards left, very wet and nasty. Even the drier boards were causing the hand saw to bind and buckle, some wouldn’t let the saw be removed from the wood midcut without a struggle.

Yup  another long post while I watch the fire and cut boards.

Half a hoop.

I have feeling I will need the extra boards, another cold night coming. I also need to go out and get more snow. I wasn’t looking forward to that. I wanted to keep my brass balls.

I got snow, should of worn a shirt under the robe maybe. My back gave out,  the snow is heavy and dense because of the two day thaw.

Another job done

At 15:30 I came back down to retrieve water and stayed to cut the last four wet boards. Definitely OCD.

Just in an extreme cold warning has been issued  40 below or more.