It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Nelson Mandela

  1. Get warm clothes on. Oh get clothes warm first.✅️
  2. Feed the cats✅️
  3. Feed the fire✅️
  4. Type in the journal✅
  5. Take outside pics.✅️
  6. Get gloves✅️
  7. Gather snow✅️
  8. Change the drill battery charge it✅️
  9. Gather more boards from deep snow✅️
  10. Fall carryimg boards.  fracture arm✅️
  11. Change the gen oil.✅️
  12. Sprinkle sawdust on spilled oil✅️
  13. Place dead mouse found in sawdust bin out on back deck. Food for someone✅️
  14. Get fuel for gen✅️
  15. Seal broken glass door. Find plastic.✅️
  16. Deal with the pee.✅️
  17. Bring the inflator inside✅️
  18. Try not to have heart attack✅️
  19. Start the gen✅️
  20. Fill the thermos.✅
  21. Rest often✅️
  22. Make a coffee. Forgot the thermos downstairs.✅️
  23. Do first aid on arm. Not broken✅️
  24. Play H5✅️
  25. Have lunch.✅️

Not in that order. Except the last few lines playing after work.

Ya you read right. I fell while carrying boards. BTW todays boards were 18 foot. I had to saw one wit the door wide open. Did I mention the hurt arm.

Most of the jobs are done with the exception of first aid.

Just finished the first aid. Pouring peroxide on gash   not fun. Rummaging through first aid supplies while bleeding more fun. Trying to tape gauze on wound with one hand less fun but got done.

My heart is beating way too fast and I am out of breath. So I will rest before retrieving the thermos.  Seriously I don’t need more caffiene when my heart is beating like a war drum.

Besides the snow on the woodstove needs time to melt a little.
