The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Today’s Horoscope was a little too spooky.


Today, blessings from elders’ may make you happy, your investments may give you profits. Losses are converted into profits now. Your savings may boost your bank balance. You may plan to invest for the kid’s future also. You may also enjoy some delicious food at home. Your problems related to throat, teeth, ear or nose may be resolved now.

Weird I do have problems wih teeth, nose, ears and throat.

Cats fed, boards gathered, fire stoked but not lit yet. Snow is gathered. The big storm was a myth for here, but I imagine south of here is a different story.

What I don’t think is a myth is the -34 windchill coming tonight.

Just taking a breath break from dragging the boards in. Oh oh  gotta go cats misbehaving in the next room.

Fire is lit, I am taking another rest break, I haven’t caught my breath yet. As if I could catch anything right now. Hahaha.

Just waiting for the stove to get too hot for cats to walk on. If it’s not the open bowls of snow are fair game. I left a big steel bowl of water on the stove last night.

If you don’t already know, heating with firewood makes the air in the house very dry.

Last night the fire got cold enough for them to walk on. Three AM the crashing of the steel bowl could be heard.

I still need to get my gen filled and started.

Then it’s time, I hope,  for coffee and breakfast. Unholy sawdust Batman!!!! I just looked around the fireroom. I had already put all the cut wood in the stove.

It means I need to cut more. Right now. Like always, it needs doing.

I made 2.5 cuts and had to rest again. My body doesn’t seem getting enough 02 or blood.

Either heart or lungs. I will rest a minute, then cut another 2.5.

I cut the rest of the ten foot boards, most of it. I got halfway through the last cut and could cut no more. That one got the stomp and break method.

Good news the coffee water is almost ready, the bad news I still needed to get the gen ready. After I rest.

I got to play Halo Reach for a couple of hours. It was more fun than I remembered

I am down at the fire and out of cut wood again. I made two cuts before I was out of breath. They were double cuts should count as four.

My heart is pounding hard. I need to do 3 more double cuts tonight be fore I can quit. Yes after I rest.

I should have just ran an extension cord and used the circular saw. I figure if I don’t die at least I am getting some Cardio. Lots of cardio.

The cats have had their evening feed. The gen has been put away all doors locked and closed. I just need to make these cuts.

Really cold tonight. -34 last I checked then we get warm weather they say.

They did say were were gonna get a foot of snow. That didn’t happen here. Looking at the weather radar looks like south of here got a lot of snow.

Shit, I forgot I have two unfrozen, frozen pizzas. I need to cook at least one tonight.

Cast iron pan and some grapeseed oil and a fire. Yup yup yup that’s what I need. The pan and pizza are heating up. I forgot to buy extra grated cheese for the topping.

I think I will survive.

The heavy snowfall warning is gone. That has been replaced with an extreme cold warning down to forty below, with a couple of inches of snow added for fun.

I guess I need to cut more boards. I will start doing that now while I wait for pizza to cook.

Two more double cuts done, 2 more to go. Yea you guessed it, out of breath and I can feel it in my chest. Time to rest again.

Well that keeps me busy while  pizza cooks.

Boards are cut, pizza is cooked and I am reunited with my tablet. I just poured fresh juice, pomegranate and orange. Now I will have my food while The Mentalist plays on the tablet.

Shit I left the woodstove on high heat. It means the house will be warmer for awhile. I can live with that.

Btw it’s cheese and spinach pizza and no animals were harmed. I am sure the cows were milked by gentle women with soft hands, playing Mozart to get the cows in the mood.

Nope it’s cheapo spinach and cheese pizza.

Tasted great, my horoscope did say I would have delicious food today. No toothache  no throat ache, earache and no runny nose.

Goodnight and be safe.