In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth.


Another morning, cats fed boards and snow gathered from outside. Out of breath again. Oh well, gives me time to type while I rest.

We have 3 more days of extreme warm again. Should make the driveway fun.

In a few, I need to cut boards make kindling and start another fire.

An 18 foot board cut in half, then the first four boards cut up. Yes followed by another rest huffin’ and puffin’.

It didn’t help I almost died a Bon Scott death last night. That was brutal. Stomach acid came up my throat and shot into my lungs. And to add to the fun my throat closed off.

Knowing it was my fault didn’t help. I drank a tall glass of oat milk late at night. I knew it was a mistake when I drank it, but my throat was so dry.

I coughed for hours. My lungs and throat even more sore than normal.

Last of the first board cut up.kindling made, fire started cats water bowls cleaned and filled with fresh snow. Those bowls, the kettle, and the big bowl full of snow all on top of the crackling fire.

Soon coffee will be made or at least the thermos filled with boiling water for later.

The cats happy with fresh drinking water. Courtesy of me and the one who sent the snow.

Just needed to do a little more work sweep a floor or two , do some online orders get some gas for the gen, then get that started.

Then I could have a coffee and some breakfast.

