One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love.


Another horoscope that nails it. A little spooky.

Sagittarius: Today you may not feel better, old health issues may arise, it may make you upset. You may make some wrong decisions due to impatience and hurry. It is advised to think twice before making any decision. It is advised that you should not keep money loose, otherwise you may spend it on buying worthless stuff.

Big fluffy snowstorm outside. I was just there digging in the ice and snow for firewood.

As normal I am huffin and puffin. It is when I type in here.

Just carried in another hundred pounds. Gasoline, wood pellets and catfood. Huffing and puffing again.

Two litterboxes emptied and refilled. Wood is too wet to make a hot fire. I might go fill and start the gen while I wait for the kettle to boil. After I rest a bit.

Gen is started I am starting to fade. My back i hurting , my throat, and I am exhausted. Just shuflling slowly now.

So have a good day.