Persevere. That’s what I always say to people. There’s no easy route.

Lonnie Johnson

Another day in paradise. My driveway is part done. Maybe enough to get out. I pray that God gives the ones responsible what they deserve. Not what I think they deserve.

My health today is much worse. Dizzy, nausea, fatigue and pain.

Pain in my back, left kidney, left lower intenstines, chest, neck, mouth, knees and head. Breathing hurts.

It’s going to be a hard day. Add the fact my new gen is surging again, on it’s way to a horrible death. Third one, same model, in 6 months.

The real interesting thing about my driveway is the narrowing created by the  driver. A 35 foot long two feet deep 5 feet wide and 2 foot deep. Great place to get a vehicle stuck.  There is also the 2 inches of snow left in the driveway. Two warm days followed by a deep freeze.  Yup will need ice skates to walk up the driveway.