Wood burns because it has the proper stuff in it; and a man becomes famous because he has the proper stuff in him.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

As per my morning chores, cats got fed, boards were cut for the fire. 16 feet of boards now ready for kindling.

As soon as I can breathe again thats what happens next.

16 feet of board cut down

16 feet of kindling

16 feet of fire.

Fire is rolling, kettle on the stove, soon time for coffee.

I don’t really have plans for today, still recovering from the last two days. Surviving that’s it, that is my plan.

I had plans of having pizza with tomorrows fire. The more I thought about it the tastier it sounded.

I had bathwater on the woodstove and the gen needed filling and starting. Pizza needed cooking.

Timing had to be good or end up with boiling bathwater, burnt pizza or frozen hair.

I got it all done, gen started, pizza cooked, and bath done.

Continuing with my day.

Night time now. Just cut up another 16 feet and added 8 feet of that to the fire. That will have to do. Monday is the start of another cold spell. I need to conserve wood.

Tomorrow starts a four day snowstorm.