No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.

Hal Borland

A winters day. Cats needed feeding and water, kindling rendered, boards cut.

A snowstorm was coming, the weather forecasters down grading the amounts, yet just over the polictical border a heavy snowfall warning is in effect.

My question is really simple, how does the snowstorm know where the border is? You know the answer.

My kettle is on the woodstove, so are my gloves. They fell on the floor or were purposely knocked on the ground by the furry demons that occupy the fireroom.

Yes, they peed on them. One of them tried to pee on my snowboots yesterday. While I was still in them.

Why do they do it? Because they can. Had I noticed a little sooner that cat would have meowed as a soprano for the day.

Another 8 feet of board was cut, it is a lot warmer today. Monday to Friday next week not so much. We will see -30 at night again.

Ya, I needed to bring in a lot more boards. Today no. Today I will change the oil in the gen.

Made a coffee and watched in horror as it tipped over in slow motion,  and distributed hot coffee, grounds, filter and cup to the floor.

So what do you do? Pour another.

Getting close to noon, gen still not done. I am still drinking coffee. Even though it’s cold now.

Breakfast done heading out soon.