Electricity can transform people’s lives, not just economically but also socially.

Piyush Goyal

Severely short of breath, cats fed, two twenty foot boards dragged inside through deep snow. I cut the boards in half in mid air so I could fit them inside.

Cutting boards next, one board got cut up. Yes I had to take a quick rest halfway through.

My way of resting, make kindling.
That done, back to cutting. The last board was the hardest.

Muscles cramped so bad, so much pain. Four inches to go on the last board of the day. I made it, but could hardly lift the saw back up to it’s resting place.

Time for words while I take another rest. I wished I brought my new oxy pulse device. I was too fatigued to get it.

While I sat I planned my next move knowing that I would probably forget it in a few minutes.

I came up with a new plan. Fill the cat poop and sawdust bucket halfway add used oil from the gen, then add more cat sawdust.

That might work. I layed down a layer of the oil soaked sawdust in the bottom of the wood stove, then cardboard then kindling. I just needed a flame now.

One thing at a time. I needed paper to start the cardboard, that would start the kindling, then the oil soaked sawdust, that would heat my house and hot water.

No paper except one piece of paper towel. The lighters all out of fuel, I had one tiny little flame.

The paper towel burned out with out starting anything. I remebered my new hand vac was shipped in water tight plastic wrap.

I cut and peeled away the plastic fast as I could trying to use the tiny flame from the paper towel.

I didn’t make it. I prayed that the lighter had another flame left. It did I lit the plastic and it went out.

I tried one more time, this time it lit, then some of the sawdust lit, then 10 minutes later I heard crackling.

Warmth and hot coffee were on it’s way. Halliluah. How do do spell that?

I know Thank G O D. It was plus 1 in the fire room when I started. Now it’s 3 and climbing.

Sweeping my least favourite job, the one one that hurts my spine the most. I grabbed the broom, then noticed litter boxes needed doing.

I have a new way to do that, during milder temps. I have a 120 liter storage box in the fire room. I empty the other smaller litter boxes into that one.

Everyday I shovel 5 gallons worth of that stuff into a bucket, that goes in the woodstove. That only works in milder winter temps. It burns too low for the really cold weather but is great at keeping some heat all night.

I swept, and swept and swept more. Stairs , floors from 3 different rooms. I swept it all into the fire room then into the fire.

Of course I did it too soon, the kettle is not hot yet, all that stuff, sawdust, cat hair and worse almost puts the fire almost out.

I guess that gives me time to go get gas for the gen, fill it and start it. The gen is failing again. I ordered another one, a louder, bigger, gas guzzling one. The good thing is it should run my table saw without stuttering.

Right now, my 2500 watt Chinese made gen dies if you run  over 400 watts through it. Third one of those to fail in less than a year.

I am trying to keep it running till Friday, when the new one arrives. I will have to build a bigger gen shack. Weather forecast says it is going to snow while I build that.

It is actually snowing thru blue skies